Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Eastern Screech Owl Life History

Eastern Screech Owl Life History :
Head Turner
Owls cannot turn their heads around 360 degrees. But they can turn their heads 270 degrees. Humans can only turn their heads 180 degrees. Owls are able to turn their heads more than humans, because they have 14 vertebrae (bones) in their neck while human's only have 7. Owls can turn their heads because their eyes are fixed in the socket, which means they cannot move their eyes at all.
Size and Shape
Eastern Screech Owl is a short, stocky bird, with a large head & almost has no neck. Owls have rounded wings, tails are short and square. Ear tufts are often raised lending and it's head a distinctive silhouette.

Eastern Screech Owls are mostly gray or reddish-brown. They are patterned with complex bands and spots that give the birds excellent camouflage against tree bark. Their eyes are yellow color.

Eastern screech owls inhabit of woodlands, farm groves ,deciduous forests, parklands, shade trees along streams and wetlands mature orchards ,meadows etc. But may be found in any habitat having some open ground and some large trees, from forest to isolated groves to suburban yards.

Eastern screech owls are strictly nocturnal, roosting during the day in cavities. They are quite common, active at night, mostly they are much more frequently heard than actually seen. Owls are frequently heard calling at night, especially during their spring breeding season.

Males and Females  both can sing. Their most common sounds are an even-pitched trill, often called a “bounce song” or tremolo and descending whinny. The tremolo is used by pairs or families to keep in touch or  3–6 seconds long and the descending whinny is 0.5–2 seconds long. Mated pairs may sing for each other, both day and night.

Eastern Screech Owls eat insects, crayfish, tadpoles, frogs, and lizards. They eat also some small birds, spiders, earthworms, rats, mice, squirrels, moles, and rabbits. They cache extra food in tree holes for as long time ( four days ).


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